Mobile Apps

Thanks for choos­ing Coastal Fiber for your Inter­net ser­vice. You are get­ting the best Inter­net and Wi-Fi expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble. Now that your pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion and whole home Wi-Fi opti­miza­tion is com­plete, you’re ready to start tai­lor­ing your Wi-Fi. Before you begin your Coastal Fiber inter­net ser­vice, down­load the Coastal Fiber Wi-Fi app now.

Step 1

Fol­low the appro­pri­ate link below from your device.

Step 2

Down­load the app.

The image shows a logo with the letters "C" in blue and "F" in orange, linked by a green swoosh on a light blue background.

Step 3

You’re all set!

For detailed app set­up instruc­tions, review the Coastal Fiber app quick start guide.

Experience the True Power of the Coastal Fiber App

Check your Internet speed.

Run band­width tests to mon­i­tor your net­work per­for­mance and give band­width pri­or­i­ty to spe­cif­ic devices.

Easily set up a guest network.

Keep your net­work pass­words secure by set­ting up sep­a­rate guest net­works for your vis­i­tors.

View and manage all devices connected to your network.

Track a device’s band­width usage, pause its net­work access, or dis­con­nect it.

Set parental controls.

See what apps your kids are using, how long they’re used for, and tai­lor their expe­ri­ence by block­ing inap­pro­pri­ate sites and con­tent, or set­ting usage lim­its.

Active threat protection.

View total threats, intru­sions, and virus­es blocked over time. You can even see pro­tect­ed devices and total pro­tec­tion uptime.