Coastal Fiber Copyright Infringement Enforcement Policy

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive (“Coastal Fiber”), is com­mit­ted to com­ply­ing with U.S. copy­right and relat­ed laws, and requires all cus­tomers and users of the Ser­vice to com­ply with these laws. Accord­ing­ly, you may not store any mate­r­i­al or con­tent on, or dis­sem­i­nate any mate­r­i­al or con­tent over, the ser­vice (or any part of the Ser­vice) in any man­ner that con­sti­tutes an infringe­ment of third-par­ty intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights, includ­ing rights grant­ed by U.S. copy­right law. Own­ers of copy­right­ed works who believe that their rights under U.S. copy­right law have been infringed may take advan­tage of cer­tain pro­vi­sions of the Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) to report alleged infringe­ments.

It is Coastal Fiber’s pol­i­cy in accor­dance with the DMCA and oth­er applic­a­ble laws to reserve the right, in the event of mul­ti­ple infringe­ment notices, to redi­rect your Inter­net access to a web­page that will require the account-hold­er to view an edu­ca­tion­al tuto­r­i­al on the law­ful use of con­tent avail­able over the Inter­net. The account-holder’s Inter­net will be restored only after com­ple­tion of this edu­ca­tion­al tuto­r­i­al. Alter­na­tive­ly, or if Coastal Fiber con­tin­ues to receive addi­tion­al copy­right infringe­ment notices address­ing account-hold­er infringe­ment after this step, Coastal Fiber may imple­ment enforce­ment pur­suant to its Repeat Infringer Pol­i­cy and sus­pend or ter­mi­nate the account with or with­out notice.

Copy­right infringe­ment is ille­gal and vio­lates the Coastal Fiber’s Ser­vice Terms and Con­di­tions and Accept­able Use Pol­i­cy. Sub­scribers should not engage in copy­right infringe­ment and should ensure that oth­ers using their Inter­net account do the same. Impor­tant­ly, if the subscriber’s home net­work is not pro­tect­ed or secured by a pass­word or fire­wall, and unau­tho­rized users are access­ing the subscriber’s net­work, they may be the source of the prob­lem. You should con­tact any oth­er indi­vid­u­als who have access to your Inter­net ser­vice and dis­cuss the alert with them. Be sure to edu­cate those that use your Inter­net ser­vice regard­ing copy­right infringe­ment. Explain that down­load­ing copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al with­out per­mis­sion from the copy­right hold­er is against the law.

Reporting Infringement

Copy­right own­ers may report alleged infringe­ments of their works that are stored on the Ser­vice or the Per­son­al Web Fea­tures by send­ing Coastal Fiber’s DMCA Des­ig­nat­ed Agent a noti­fi­ca­tion of claimed infringe­ment that sat­is­fies the require­ments of the DMCA. Upon Coastal Fiber’s receipt of a sat­is­fac­to­ry notice of claimed infringe­ment for these works, Coastal Fiber will respond expe­di­tious­ly to either direct­ly or indi­rect­ly (i) remove the alleged­ly infring­ing work(s) stored on the Ser­vice or the Per­son­al Web Fea­tures or (ii) dis­able access to the work(s). Coastal Fiber will also noti­fy the affect­ed cus­tomer or user of the Ser­vice of the removal or dis­abling of access to the work(s). In the event that a cus­tomer is noti­fied of alleged infringe­ment four (4) or more times, regard­less of whether the infringe­ments are con­cur­rent or spo­radic, the cus­tomer is deemed to be a repeat infringer and Coastal Fiber will pro­ceed with throt­tling ser­vice speeds, sus­pend­ing or ter­mi­nat­ing that customer’s Ser­vice account.

In all events, you express­ly agree that Coastal Fiber will not be a par­ty to any dis­putes or law­suits regard­ing alleged copy­right infringe­ment.

If you believe that your work has been copied and has been post­ed, stored, or trans­mit­ted to Coastal Fiber’s web­site in a way that con­sti­tutes copy­right infringe­ment, please sub­mit a noti­fi­ca­tion pur­suant to the DMCA by pro­vid­ing Coastal Fiber’s DMCA Des­ig­nat­ed Agent (con­tact pro­vid­ed below) the fol­low­ing writ­ten infor­ma­tion:

1. A phys­i­cal or elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture of a per­son autho­rized to act on behalf of the copy­right own­er of an exclu­sive right that is alleged­ly infringed;

2. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the copy­right­ed work claimed to have been infringed;

3. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the mate­r­i­al that is claimed to be infring­ing or to be the sub­ject of infring­ing activ­i­ty and that is to be removed or access to which is to be dis­abled, and infor­ma­tion rea­son­ably suf­fi­cient to per­mit Coastal Fiber to locate the mate­r­i­al;

4. Infor­ma­tion rea­son­ably suf­fi­cient to per­mit Coastal Fiber to con­tact the com­plain­ing par­ty, such as an address, tele­phone num­ber, and, if avail­able, an elec­tron­ic mail address at which the com­plain­ing par­ty may be con­tact­ed;

5. A state­ment that the com­plain­ing par­ty has a good faith belief that use of the mate­r­i­al in the man­ner com­plained of is not autho­rized by the copy­right own­er, its agent, or the law;

6. A State­ment that the infor­ma­tion in the noti­fi­ca­tion is accu­rate, and under penal­ty of per­jury, that the com­plain­ing par­ty is autho­rized to act on behalf of the own­er of an exclu­sive right that is alleged­ly infringed.

Coastal Fiber has filed with the Unit­ed States Copy­right Office the nec­es­sary des­ig­nat­ed agent infor­ma­tion to facil­i­tate notice of alleged online copy­right infringe­ment on our net­work. Our des­ig­nat­ed agent for noti­fi­ca­tion of alleged copy­right infringe­ment and counter noti­fi­ca­tion is:

Des­ig­na­tion of Agent to Receive Noti­fi­ca­tion of Claimed Infringe­ment

Full Legal Name of Ser­vice Provider: Coastal Fiber

Alter­na­tive name: Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive

Agent Name and Title, Designee to Receive Noti­fi­ca­tion of Claimed Infringe­ment: Ter­ry Mer­gl, Senior IT 1011 North Way Darien, GA 31305

Tele­phone: 912–437-6677


You should be aware that com­plainants who make false claims or mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions con­cern­ing copy­right infringe­ment may be liable for dam­ages under the DMCA.

Counter-Notification in Response to Claim of Copyright

Infringe­ment If an affect­ed cus­tomer or user believes in good faith that the alleged­ly infring­ing works have been removed or blocked by mis­take or misiden­ti­fi­ca­tion, then that per­son may send a counter-noti­fi­ca­tion to Coastal Fiber’s des­ig­nat­ed agent at the address not­ed above. Upon Coastal Fiber’s receipt of a counter noti­fi­ca­tion that sat­is­fies the require­ments of DMCA, Coastal Fiber will pro­vide a copy of the counter-noti­fi­ca­tion to the per­son who sent the orig­i­nal noti­fi­ca­tion of the claimed infringe­ment and will fol­low the DMCA’s pro­ce­dures with respect to a received counter noti­fi­ca­tion. This process will invoke a dis­pute between you and the com­plain­ing par­ty.

In all events, you express­ly agree that Coastal Fiber will not be a par­ty to any dis­putes or law­suits regard­ing alleged copy­right infringe­ment.

Your counter-noti­fi­ca­tion must be in writ­ing and con­tain the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:

1. A phys­i­cal or elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture of an autho­rized per­son;

2. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the mate­r­i­al that was removed or access to which was dis­abled and the loca­tion at which mate­r­i­al appeared before it was removed or access to it was dis­abled;

3. A state­ment under penal­ty of per­jury that the alleged infringer has a good faith belief that the mate­r­i­al was removed or dis­abled as a result of mis­take or misiden­ti­fi­ca­tion;

4. Your name, address, and tele­phone num­ber and a state­ment that your con­sent to the juris­dic­tion of the fed­er­al dis­trict court for the Fed­er­al dis­trict in which you are locat­ed and that you will accept ser­vice of process from the com­plainant.

You should be aware that sub­stan­tial penal­ties under U.S. law apply for a false counter-notice filed in response to a notice of copy­right infringe­ment.