Voice UPS Battery Backup

Coastal Fiber Voice uses the elec­tri­cal pow­er in your home. You may not be able to make 911 calls if there is a pow­er out­age or Coastal Fiber Voice expe­ri­ences network/technical prob­lems.

In the event of a pow­er out­age or net­work issues, a back­up bat­tery –  “Unin­ter­rupt­ible Pow­er Sup­ply” (UPS) – can keep your voice ser­vice up and run­ning for at least 8 and up to 24 hours.*

You can pur­chase a bat­tery back­up direct­ly from us for a one-time charge of $100 + tax when you open your Coastal Fiber account or you can call us to upgrade at any time.

To pur­chase a Coastal Fiber Voice back­up bat­tery, con­tact us at 1–833-434‑3311. You can also pur­chase a UPS from local or online retail­ers such as office sup­ply stores, Best Buy, and Ama­zon. Coastal Fiber rec­om­mends a ded­i­cat­ed UPS for the Fiber phone equip­ment and our spec­i­fi­ca­tions are based on pow­er­ing only your phone equip­ment.

*Note: any pow­ered phone equip­ment (cord­less base sta­tions, dig­i­tal phones) must be pow­ered by a UPS dur­ing an out­age. Bat­tery time may be low­er if your bat­tery is kept in an unusu­al­ly hot, cold, or unclean envi­ron­ment. To pre­serve bat­tery life dur­ing a pow­er out­age, use your phone ser­vice spar­ing­ly.

Precision Power Li-36 Micro UPS

Designed to pro­tect and pow­er your Coastal Fiber equip­ment, the Pre­ci­sion Pow­er Li-36 Micro UPS (PP36L) offers unin­ter­rupt­ed DC pow­er and increased surge pro­tec­tion, and will pro­vide 8–24 hours of bat­tery back­up dur­ing an emer­gency. Sim­ple to install and easy to use.


Compact, Space-Saving Design

Battery Life of 10–15 Years

Audible and Visual Alarm with Ability to Silence

6″ X 3.5″ X 1.22″

Weighs 1.76 lbs

Telemetry Alarming

Li-Ion Battery

Lightning Surge Protection

12V, 36W


Operating Temperature ‑10°C — +49°C (14°F — 120.2°F) @ Full Power

Storage Temperature ‑30°C — 65°C (-22°F — 149°F)