E‑911 Notice for Coastal Fiber Voice

FCC rules require that IP-based phone providers noti­fy you of these impor­tant 911 facts:

Coastal Fiber Voice needs a cor­rect ser­vice address to deliv­er your prop­er loca­tion infor­ma­tion to E911.

If you need to move Coastal Fiber Voice equip­ment to a dif­fer­ent address, call Coastal Fiber at 1–833-434‑3311 before doing so.

Coastal Fiber Voice uses the elec­tri­cal pow­er in your home. You may not be able to make 911 calls if there is a pow­er out­age or Coastal Fiber Voice expe­ri­ences net­work or oth­er tech­ni­cal prob­lems. Please vis­it our voice bat­tery back­up page for infor­ma­tion about back­up pow­er solu­tions.