Policies & Agreements

Coastal Fiber Privacy Policy

Coastal Fiber is com­mit­ted to respect­ing and pro­tect­ing the pri­va­cy of our cus­tomers, and we have strict poli­cies gov­ern­ing access by employ­ees and oth­ers to cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tions and infor­ma­tion. Read the full pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.

Coastal Fiber Mobile App Privacy Policy

Coastal Fiber col­lects and process­es infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed direct­ly by you when you install the App and reg­is­ter for an account to use the App, and we take every mea­sure pos­si­ble to pro­tect that infor­ma­tion. Read the full mobile app pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.

Network Transparency Statement & Policies

Costal Fiber pro­vides this Net­work Trans­paren­cy State­ment in accor­dance with the FCC’s Restor­ing Inter­net Free­dom Rules to ensure that you have suf­fi­cient infor­ma­tion to make informed choic­es about the pur­chase of broad­band ser­vices. Read the full net­work trans­paren­cy doc­u­ment.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Coastal Fiber is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty provider and employ­er. If you wish to file a Civ­il Rights pro­gram com­plaint of Dis­crim­i­na­tion, there are sev­er­al meth­ods avail­able. Read the full state­ment of non-dis­crim­i­na­tion.

Copyright Infringement Enforcement Policy

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive (“Coastal Fiber”), is com­mit­ted to com­ply­ing with U.S. copy­right and relat­ed laws, and requires all cus­tomers and users of the Ser­vice to com­ply with these laws. Read the full copy­right infringe­ment enforce­ment pol­i­cy.

E‑911 Notice

FCC rules require that IP-based phone providers noti­fy you of these impor­tant 911 facts: Coastal Fiber Voice needs a cor­rect ser­vice address to deliv­er your prop­er loca­tion infor­ma­tion to 911. Read the full E‑911 notice.

Residential Services Terms & Conditions

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive direct­ly and through its affil­i­ates (col­lec­tive­ly, “Coastal Fiber”) offers res­i­den­tial cus­tomers a range of ser­vices (each a “Ser­vice” and col­lec­tive­ly the “Ser­vices”). Read the full res­i­den­tial ser­vices terms and con­di­tions.

Acceptable Use Policy

As a cus­tomer, you agree to com­ply with the rules of the Ser­vice and the appro­pri­ate rules for oth­er net­works or ser­vices con­nect­ed direct­ly or indi­rect­ly to the Ser­vice, includ­ing Accept­able Use Poli­cies estab­lished for the Inter­net as a whole. Read the full accept­able use pol­i­cy.