FCC Consumer Guides

Broadband Facts: Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure
Coastal Fiber 500 Mbps Service

Broad­band Facts

Coastal Fiber

500 Mbps

Fixed Broad­band Con­sumer Dis­clo­sure

Month­ly Price $59.00
This month­ly price is an intro­duc­to­ry rate No
Time the intro­duc­to­ry rate applies N/A
Month­ly price after the intro­duc­to­ry rate N/A
Length of con­tract N/A
Link to Terms of Con­tract N/A
Addi­tion­al Charges & Terms  
Provider Month­ly Fees  
Modem Rental $12.00
WiFi Exten­der $5.00
One-Time Pur­chase Fees  
Instal­la­tion $0.00
Bat­tery Back-up $100.00
Ear­ly Ter­mi­na­tion Fee N/A
Gov­ern­ment Tax­es N/A

Dis­counts & Bun­dles

Vis­it the link below for avail­able billing dis­counts and pric­ing options for broad­band ser­vice bun­dled with oth­er ser­vices like video, phone, and wire­less ser­vice, and use of your own equip­ment.


Speeds Pro­vid­ed with Plan

Typ­i­cal Down­load Speed 500 Mbps

Typ­i­cal Upload Speed 500 Mbps

Typ­i­cal Laten­cy 20 ms

Data Includ­ed with Month­ly Price 500 Mbps

Charges for Addi­tion­al Data Usage N/A

Net­work Man­age­ment Pol­i­cy


Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy


Cus­tomer Sup­port

Phone: (833) 685‑0640

Web­site: www.coastalfiber.com

Learn about the terms used on this label. Vis­it the Fed­er­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Commission’s Con­sumer Resource Cen­ter: fcc.gov/consumer

Unique Plan Iden­ti­fi­er: F0005937974123ABC456EMC789

Broadband Facts: Fixed Broadband Consumer Disclosure
Coastal Fiber 1 GIG Service

Broad­band Facts

Coastal Fiber


Fixed Broad­band Con­sumer Dis­clo­sure

Month­ly Price $89.00
This month­ly price is an intro­duc­to­ry rate No
Time the intro­duc­to­ry rate applies N/A
Month­ly price after the intro­duc­to­ry rate N/A
Length of con­tract N/A
Link to Terms of Con­tract N/A
Addi­tion­al Charges & Terms  
Provider Month­ly Fees  
Modem Rental $12.00
WiFi Exten­der $5.00
One-Time Pur­chase Fees  
Instal­la­tion $0.00
Bat­tery Back-up $100.00
Ear­ly Ter­mi­na­tion Fee N/A
Gov­ern­ment Tax­es N/A

Dis­counts & Bun­dles

Vis­it the link below for avail­able billing dis­counts and pric­ing options for broad­band ser­vice bun­dled with oth­er ser­vices like video, phone, and wire­less ser­vice, and use of your own equip­ment.


Speeds Pro­vid­ed with Plan

Typ­i­cal Down­load Speed 1000 Mbps

Typ­i­cal Upload Speed 1000 Mbps

Typ­i­cal Laten­cy 20 ms

Data Includ­ed with Month­ly Price 1000 Mbps

Charges for Addi­tion­al Data Usage N/A

Net­work Man­age­ment Pol­i­cy


Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy


Cus­tomer Sup­port

Phone: (833) 685‑0640

Web­site: www.coastalfiber.com

Learn about the terms used on this label. Vis­it the Fed­er­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Commission’s Con­sumer Resource Cen­ter: fcc.gov/consumer

Unique Plan Iden­ti­fi­er: F0005937974123ABC456EMC789