Ready to get broad­band Inter­net ser­vice to your home? Coastal Fiber is here! You’ve got ques­tions, and we’ve got answers. Still need more infor­ma­tion? Be sure to con­tact us.

In a nut­shell, fiber deliv­ers the fastest Inter­net speed, so it’s bet­ter at han­dling mul­ti­ple devices being con­nect­ed at once as well as stream­ing, gam­ing, and web surf­ing with­out buffer­ing or inter­rup­tions.

Coast Fiber’s Giga­bit broad­band and phone ser­vice is now avail­able in select areas in Bryan, Lib­er­ty, and Long coun­ties, but the full build-out into all areas will take some time. Updates can be found on our Ser­vice Area page and our News page.

Basic res­i­den­tial Inter­net ser­vice is $59/month, and One Big Gig ser­vice is $89/month. Please take a moment to learn more and com­pare plans before mak­ing your selec­tion.

Basic busi­ness Inter­net ser­vice is $59/month, One Big Gig ser­vice is $89/month, and our top-notch Busi­ness Plus is $250/month. Please take a moment to learn more and com­pare plans before mak­ing your selec­tion.

Stan­dard res­i­den­tial phone ser­vice is $19.99/month, and Select ser­vice is $24.99/month. Both are add-on ser­vices. Please take a moment to learn more and com­pare plans before mak­ing your selec­tion.

Prime Voice phone ser­vice is $9.99/month, and Pre­mi­um Voice phone ser­vice is $29.99/month. Both are add-on ser­vices. Plus, select from more than a dozen add-ons to com­plete your busi­ness set­up. Please take a moment to learn more and com­pare plans before mak­ing your selec­tion.

Absolute­ly. No con­tracts are required for Inter­net or phone pack­ages, so you can switch up plans as your needs change.

Coastal Fiber will pro­vide a state-of-the-art router designed to deliv­er our promised Inter­net speeds. The router is includ­ed as a “lease” as part of your month­ly ser­vice fee and must be returned to us should you dis­con­tin­ue ser­vice at any point.

If a mem­ber does not want broad­band from Coastal Fiber, then we’re not going to imme­di­ate­ly install the fiber drop to their meter base. We plan to pri­or­i­tize those request­ing ser­vice.

If your elec­tric ser­vice is over­head, then the fiber drop will be over­head.

If your elec­tric ser­vice is under­ground and in con­duit, then we’ll push the new fiber ser­vice through the con­duit, so there won’t be a need to dig up your yard.

Our prac­tice of installing the elec­tric ser­vice in con­duit start­ed in 2006. If your elec­tric ser­vice is under­ground and direct-buried, then we’re going to have to trench in the fiber ser­vice.

Coastal Fiber offers 24/7 tech­ni­cal sup­port at 833–685-0640.

Yes, an email account – a user­name or han­dle of your choice @coastalfiber.com – is includ­ed with your Inter­net ser­vice. It can be accessed via our web­site (a Web­mail Login but­ton appears at the top of every page on this site).

You can also use an email pro­gram such as Out­look Express or Thun­der­bird to access your Coastal Fiber email account. Please see the FAQ top­ic below to learn more about con­nect­ing your email pro­gram and mul­ti­ple devices to your new email account.


POP3 and IMAP email set­tings

The email ser­vice that is includ­ed with your Coastal Fiber account can use either POP3 or IMAP.

Below are the set­tings for most mail clients:


Incom­ing POP3 Mail Serv­er: mail.coastalfiber.com
Out­go­ing (SMTP) Mail Serv­er: smtp.coastalfiber.com
Pass­word: Your pass­word
Out­go­ing Serv­er Port (SMTP): 465 using SSL                                
Incom­ing Serv­er Port: 995 using TLS

You also need to set the out­go­ing serv­er to require authen­ti­ca­tion.


With IMAP, you can keep your email on the serv­er to be accessed from mul­ti­ple devices. If you are using IMAP, be aware that our cur­rent lim­i­ta­tion on mail­box size is 16 GB.

Incom­ing (IMAP) Mail Serv­er: mail.coastalfiber.com
Out­go­ing (SMTP) Mail Serv­er: smtp.coastalfiber.com
Pass­word: Your pass­word
Out­go­ing Serv­er Port (SMTP): 465 using SSL
Incom­ing Serv­er Port: 993 using TLS\

You also need to set the out­go­ing serv­er to require authen­ti­ca­tion.

How to check oth­er email accounts from the Gmail desk­top »

How to add anoth­er email account to the Android Gmail app »

How to add anoth­er email account to the iPhone and iPad Gmail app »

How to add an email account to Microsoft Out­look »

How to add an email account on Android »

How to add an email account to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch »

How to add an email account to Mail on your Mac »

How to add an email account to Mozil­la Thun­der­bird »


Are You Gigabit Ready?

While Coastal Fiber can pro­vide you with top-notch Inter­net ser­vice, it may take some fine-tun­ing in the home for you to enjoy max­i­mum speeds. Here are a few tips and tricks:

To achieve the fastest speeds pos­si­ble, the most impor­tant thing you can do is use the right cables to con­nect to your modem and/or router. Cat 5e cables can han­dle our top speed of 1 Gbps, so if you already have 5e cables, you’re good to go. If you have Cat 6, you’ll be set for a long time.

But if you need to pur­chase new cables any­way, we advise spring­ing for Cat 6. Cat 6 can sup­port 10 Gbps – 10x our cur­rent top speed – so as speeds go up, your cables will be able to han­dle the future increas­es.

Place­ment of your cables is more impor­tant than you might imag­ine. Inter­fer­ence from elec­tri­cal wiring and cords can cre­ate issues with speed and reli­a­bil­i­ty. Avoid this prob­lem by sim­ply mak­ing sure you don’t run your data cables par­al­lel to elec­tri­cal cords.

Wi-Fi tech­nol­o­gy is advanc­ing rapid­ly, but reach­ing giga­bit speeds is cur­rent­ly only 100% pos­si­ble when you con­nect your modem and/or router direct­ly to your com­put­er with a Cat 6 cable.

If you’re using a lap­top, you may not have an eth­er­net port, which means you can’t set up our rec­om­mend­ed hard-wired con­nec­tion with­out an adapter. If you have an adapter or are pur­chas­ing an adapter, make sure it’s giga­bit capa­ble. 

Many things can inter­fere with a Wi-Fi sig­nal and slow down your con­nec­tion, from flu­o­res­cent lights to wire­less head­phones to the place­ment of your modem and/or router. A spo­radic or slow con­nec­tion can be avoid­ed by mak­ing sure you’re on a chan­nel that isn’t con­nect­ed to an exces­sive num­ber of devices and sit­ting close to the modem and/or router.

To take full advan­tage of your speedy new Inter­net, you will need a new­er com­put­er with an up-to-date oper­at­ing sys­tem, a pow­er­ful proces­sor, and plen­ty of free mem­o­ry and disk space avail­able.

If your com­put­er is old­er, it may not sup­port giga­bit con­nec­tions. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that means you can’t nec­es­sar­i­ly expect to expe­ri­ence the full-speed Inter­net of your dreams on a com­put­er that was­n’t designed to sup­port such speeds.

That’s not to say you’re going to have to run out and buy a new com­put­er to enjoy your new fiber Inter­net, only that you may need to adjust your expec­ta­tions until you are able to upgrade your equip­ment.