Working to bring high-speed Internet to Coastal Georgia

We were excit­ed to host WTOC’s Hay­ley Boland today and pro­vide some info for her sto­ry about the com­ing of fiber broad­band to the peo­ple of East Lib­er­ty Coun­ty. Hay­ley inter­viewed Coastal Elec­tric CEO Chris Fettes before Engi­neer­ing Man­ag­er Bri­an Hayes showed her reels of fiber (over half a mil­lion feet cur­rent­ly on hand) that will soon con­nect Coastal Fiber cus­tomers. Here, Hay­ley and Bri­an stand out­side the trail­er where con­trac­tors are splic­ing 144-strand fiber cable.

Watch WTOC 11’s Hay­ley Boland’s piece below.