High-Speed Internet

Local Com­pa­ny. Local­ly Com­mit­ted.

Light­ning fast

No data lim­its

Crys­tal-clear phone ser­vice

Affordable, Reliable Internet & Phone


Super-speedy surf­ing and down­loads, smooth simul­ta­ne­ous stream­ing on mul­ti­ple devices, and seam­less online gam­ing – all with local, 24/7 sup­port. Add Res­i­den­tial Voice for unlim­it­ed local and long dis­tance.


Accel­er­at­ed uploads and down­loads, easy intraof­fice con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and unin­ter­rupt­ed Inter­net for your entire group with out­stand­ing tech sup­port. Add Busi­ness Voice for excep­tion­al phone ser­vice.

Working from home?

Where you live shouldn’t lim­it where you go.